1xxx - Internal Errors
Internal errors which occurs independently from the user input, i. e. when some internal calculation is broken even the user input was correct or some external service provider has some trouble to perform the actions.
- ProductInternalException
- ProductBackendproviderException
Code | Short | Description |
1001 | Invalid params | Some internal input parameters are wrong. Or some external service returns some unexpected result. |
1002 | Payment checkin wasn't save in db | The internal Yii dbt model/component for payment checkin didn't store given record in database |
1003 | transaction creation failed | The internal call of procedure creating a transaction failed |
1004 | payment container creation failed | The internal call of procedure creating a payment container failed |
1005 | not captured | Connection with transact to capture given amount with trace_id was not successful |
1006 | Invitation email sending failed! | The invitation email could not be sent |
1007 | Could not cancel loyalty transaction | The Cancel method of loyalty transaction returned false (something went wrong in backend) |
1008 | Fetching available payment methods failed | The internal call of procedure which fetches available payment methods failed |
1009 | Payment transaction creation failed | The internal call of procedure creating a POS transaction failed |
1010 | Basket item creation failed | The internal call of procedure creating a basket item in secupay backend failed |
1011 | VTC id not set | No VTC ID given to start prepaid sale |
1012 | Saving PayPal communication entry failed | The internal call of procedure which saves PayPal communication entry failed |
1013 | Webterminal not activated for account [ACC_XXX] | Doesn't exist smart device (type: loyalty_webterminal) assigned to user account |
1014 | Missing trace_id | Transact trace_id is missing for given trans_id |
1015 | Missing transact credentials | Transact credentials are not configured for your contract |
1016 | Card validation failed | Loyalty-Card validation failed |
1017 | Setting checkout flag failed | The internal call of procedure which sets the checkout flag failed |
1018 | Saving of payment provider transmission log failed | The internal call of procedure which saves the transmission log for the used payment provider failed. |
1019 | Getting order_id of a PCI failed | The internal call of procedure which gets the order_id of a PCI failed |
1020 | Setting order_id of a PCI failed | The internal call of procedure which sets the order_id of a PCI failed |
1021 | The given client credentials where rejected by PayPal. | Check the entered PayPal credentails of the contract. |
2xxx - Authentication Errors
All kind of errors that can occur when something is wrong with the authentication or the authorization, e.g. if the user does not have not sufficient rights to execute their action.
- ProductUnauthorizedException (authorization is missing or session is invalid)
- ProductNotAllowedException (ACL check fails)
- ProductSecurityException
- ProductLockedAccountException (General Account is locked)
- ProductExpiredPasswordException (Password was not changed for more then 90 days)
Code | Short | Description | Description translated |
2001 | Transaction was not created by secuconnect API | The payment transaction was not created by using the secuconnect API. So not all required data can be loaded. | |
2002 | Invalid contract | You are not allowed to access the data of this contract. | |
2003 | Valid auth token required | ||
2004 | Referenced contract access denied | ||
2005 | Locked Account | Login not possible. Please contact our support. | Login nicht möglich. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Support. |
2006 | Locked Account | Password recovery not possible. Please contact our support. | Passwortwiederherstellung nicht möglich. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Support. |
2007 | Invalid Credentials | The entered login credentials are invalid. | Die eingegebenen Benutzerdaten sind nicht korrekt. |
2008 | Start with debit method directly not possible | API user must first prepare the STX, so that the payment method is already saved in STX. Therefore sending it as execStart parameter is not needed and allowed. | |
2009 | Starting not approved, debit transaction not possible | If the debit payment transaction was not prepared (scored) the smart transaction can not be started. | |
2010 | not allowed to start/update/prepare smart transaction | The current status of given smart transaction blocks the possibility of its updating, starting and/or preparing. | |
2011 | Not allowed to cancel transaction with status | Only transactions with status ok are allowed to be cancelled for now. | |
2012 | Not allowed to handle loyalty transactions | The given device is not allowed to handle loyalty transactions because no General Device is assigned to it or no Loyalty contract option is set for merchant. | |
2013 | Not allowed to cancel loyalty transaction | The loyalty transaction which is related to given Smart Transaction is not the latest transaction of the merchantcard and can therefore not be cancelled. | |
2014 | Ident is locked | ||
2015 | Invalid prepaid configuration on device | ||
2016 | Password is expired | Your password has expired. Please visit {recovery_url} and assign a new one. | Ihr Passwort ist abgelaufen. Bitte vergeben Sie ein Neues unter {recovery_url}. |
2017 | Locked Account | Highest number of unsuccessful Logins reached. Your account has been suspended for 30 minutes. | Höchstanzahl an fehlerhaften Authentifizierungsversuchen erreicht. Ihr Account wurde für 30 Minuten gesperrt. |
2018 | password already used | Your password could not be changed because it has to be different from one of your last 4 used passwords. | Ihr Passwort könnte nicht geändert werden, da das neue Passwort sich von den letzten 4 verwendeten Passwörtern unterscheiden muss. |
2019 | password too weak | Passwords require a minimum length of at least 8 characters and contain a mix 3 out of 4 characters-types: upper-case letter, lower-case letter, Numeric and special characters (single, quotes, double quotes, ampersands and space not allowed) | Das Passwort muss mindestens 8 Stellen enthalten und drei der vier folgenden Kriterien erfüllen: ein Großbuchstabe, ein Kleinbuchstabe, eine Ziffer, ein Sonderzeichen (Ausrufezeichen, & und Leerzeichen sind nicht erlaubt). |
2020 | Not allowed to call finalize with mixed basket structure | ||
2021 | Not allowed to start transaction with mixed basket structure and payment method [$method] | ||
2022 | Not allowed to call prepare with mixed basket structure | ||
2023 | Card is not valid | Loyalty-Card is not valid | |
2024 | password contains forbidden sequence | Your Password contains forbidden sequences (alphabetical or numerical sequences like 'aBc', '123', 'ZyX', '987' or repetitive sequences of at least 3 characters are not allowed) | |
2025 | password includes personal data | Your Password contains personal data |
3xxx - Action Errors
Errors that can occur when the action can not be executed successfully, e.g. if an external data provider returns no response for the given input.
- ProductNotFoundException
- ProductDuplicateException
- ProductUpdateFailedException
- ProductMethodNotAllowedException
- (ProductNotEnoughBalanceException)
- (ProductBlacklistedException)
- ProductUnknownActionException
- (ProductPasscodeIncorrectException)
Code | Short | Description | Description translated |
3001 | Cannot capture the payment transaction | An error occurs on capture the payment transaction. | |
3002 | Capture is not possible for prepay transactions | For prepay transactions there is no capture call possible. | |
3003 | The referenced payment contract does not allow to create transactions | Your payment contract does not allow you to do this payment. | |
3004 | The current status of the payment does not allow to capture it | The status of the payment method does not allow this action. | |
3005 | Cannot cancel/refund the payment transaction | An error occurs on cancel/refund the payment transaction. | |
3006 | Payment method not available (for this customer) | The scoring gave an negative or unexpected result. | |
3007 | Subscription not available | You can not make a recurring payment for this payment transaction. | |
3008 | Payment checkin already exists | You can not add a payment checkin with the given data. | |
3009 | Payment customer already exists | You can not add a payment customer with the given data. | |
3010 | Payment container for given customer already exists | You can not add a payment container with the given IBAN. | |
3011 | Invalid payment transaction id | The given payment transaction id is invalid. | |
3012 | The mandatory field "transaction_list" is incorrect | The mandatory field "transaction_list" is empty or invalid. | |
3013 | Payment contract is missing assigned apikey | The payment contract is not configured right. | |
3014 | Changing the accrual flag is not allowed | It is not allowed to set the accrual flag afterwards. | |
3015 | Changing the accrual flag was not successful | An error occurs while updating the accrual flag. | |
3016 | Transaction was not created by secuconnect api. | The payment transaction was created by another API, please use this to update the transaction. | |
3017 | Invalid contract | You are not allowed to access the data. | |
3018 | The referenced payment contract does not allow this payment method: {name} | This payment method was not configured for your payment contract. | |
3019 | Update basket is not allowed | You are not allowed to update the basket of the payment transaction. | |
3020 | Update was not successful | An error occurs during update. | |
3021 | Prepaid contract already exists | You can not add a prepaid contract with the given data. | |
3022 | Not approved | In the most cases the scoring gave a negative result. | |
3023 | account for [$email] already exists | There is already an account for this email. | Für diese E-Mail besteht bereits ein Account |
3024 | invitation for email [$email] already exists | There is already a valid invitation for this email. | Es ist bereits eine gültige Einladung für diese E-Mail vorhanden |
3025 | Unkown payment method $method | Only predefined method may be used in execStart request. | |
3026 | Source Device not found | No Smart device in session. | |
3027 | invalid id | Object with given id could not be found. | |
3028 | unknown account | Account can not be found by username. | |
3029 | No scoring schema defined for given method | As of now, scoring is possible only for debit and invoice. | |
3030 | unknown sales type | Type of prepaid sales should be "sale_item" or "sale_report", sale_item is taken for now as default. | |
3031 | Payout transfer creation failed | A required parameter was invalid. | |
3032 | PayPal payment failed | Something went wrong with PayPal payment (capture call failed). | |
3033 | Shipping information update is not allowed | You are not allowed to add shipping information to the payment transaction. | |
3034 | Card is blacklisted | Loyalty-Card is blacklisted. | |
3035 | Not possible to create this transaction as recurring | No payment method container was found in the database to process recurring cc payments. | |
3036 | ident for credit card not given | Transaction is not referenced to any payment container. | |
3037 | credit_card payment failed | The processing the credit card payment was not successful and the STX should recreated. |
4xxx - Format Errors
Errors that can occur when the given user input is invalid, f.e. if an invalid postal code (format) was given.
- ProductFormatException
Code | Short | Description | Description translated |
4001 | Smart Transaction start method with incomplete input data | You can not start a payment for given smart transaction with incomplete input data (required: payment checkin id, payment customer id, payment container id). | |
4002 | No accrual parameter was given | You need to fill the parameter "accrual" correctly. | |
4003 | Sub basket is only for sub transaction allowed | ||
4004 | Sub transaction are not allowed | ||
4005 | Your contract doesn't allow to transmit stakeholder payment | ||
4006 | Sub transaction in sub basket is not allowed | ||
4007 | Sub basket in sub basket is not allowed | ||
4008 | The total of the sub transaction is incorrect | ||
4009 | The total of the stakeholder positions can not be higher than the transaction total | ||
4010 | The reference_id must be unique | ||
4011 | The combination of name and contract_id must be unique | ||
4012 | You can not mix apikey and contract_id | ||
4013 | The given contract_id is invalid | ||
4014 | The given contract_id is invalid (payment method not supported) | ||
4015 | prepare method: payment container/customer not set | You are not allowed to call request 'prepare' of smart transaction without payment container/customer data. | |
4016 | prepare method: unknown prepare method | You are not allowed to call request 'prepare' with given payment method name (secondary id). | |
4017 | invalid salutation set for contact | ||
4018 | payment trans creation failed, unkown payment method | You are not allowed to start STX with given payment type.. | |
4019 | Payment container validation failed | ||
4020 | No Loyalty payment available | Loyalty recharge is not allowed. | Kundenkartensystem nicht aktiviert |
4021 | Starting loyalty payment with incompatible ident | Loyalty recharge is not allowed if merchantcard was not set. | Bitte fügen Sie eine Kundenkarte (oder Check-In) hinzu |
4022 |
| ||
4023 | Field transact_hash is missing in execGetCreditCardContainer's input | Field transact_hash is mandatory for this method. | |
4024 | Invalid date format for Bonroll app purchase order e-mail | Date must be in format "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm". | |
4025 | Invalid start method for STX | To call execStart in STX, a predefined start method has to be used, to be found in the model. | |
4026 | Wrong format of success or/and failure URL | To create iframe link it is needed to set a correct URLs for success and failure case. | |
4027 | Basket Info validation error | ||
4028 | Basket validation error | ||
4029 | Unacceptable quantity for basket item with ean | ||
4030 | Missing serialNumber for basket item with ean | ||
4031 | Invalid input for getAvailablePaymentMethods method of General/Contracts | is_demo has to be 0 or 1. Currency has to be a correct ISO 4217 currency code. | |
4032 | Validation error(s): ... | Validation errors related toprocedure data models. | |
4033 | Validation error(s): ... | Validation errors related to payment data models. | |
4034 | Cannot retrieve payment instructions for TA with status !== 85 (invoice approved) | Payment instructions are available only for invoice transactions. | |
4035 | [Prepaid] vtc_id not set | No VTC ID given to start prepaid sales. | |
4036 | productId out of range (wrong ean13 format) | product id has wrong format. | |
4037 | [Prepaid] invalid vtc_id | given vtc_id does not match any vtc id from given prepaid item. | |
4038 | Validation error(s): ... | Validation errors related to 'prepare' request of Smart Transaction. | |
4039 | The payment container has no customer data | The customer id of the given payment container is invalid. | |
4040 | No valid payment container or transaction id | There is not enough payer information given, you need at least a transaction id or a payment container. | |
4041 | Stakeholder payments are only allowed inside the sub-basket | ||
4042 | Sub transaction has no apikey | ||
4043 | The total of the item is incorrect | ||
4044 | The total of the sub-basket is incorrect | ||
4045 | Customer Email is incorrect | Email in the Customers contact is different from the email in the Checkin. | |
4046 | Impossible delivery configuration | Delivery of order is impossible with current merchant's delivery configuration. | |
4047 | Missing legal details | Error occurs when at least one of legal details document is missing. | |
4048 | Validation error(s): ... | Validation errors related to CRUD operations on products. | |
4049 | Request failed due to an unsupported character in the input. | The input should be checked for unusual UTF-8 characters. |