You can check the card status and balance without a Smart Transaction. This is useful if a buyer only asks for the card balance.
The obtain the card details using the card number you need to call GET
. You don't need to send a request body.
GET /api/v2/Loyalty/MerchantCards?q=card.cardnumber:9276004428481652 HTTP/1.1
Authenticate: Bearer qb56tjj1bcvo9n2nj4u38k84lo
Accept: application/json
You will receive a list of cards. Since you seek for a certain card number, there should be one match or none, for instance for a typo.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
: 1,
: [
: {
: {
: {
: {
: 0,
: {
: 0,
: 300,
: 52,
: 352,
: 1,
The card details are the same like those you receive in the Smart Transaction.
The card in our example has a cash balance of €3.00, a bonus balance of €0.52, making a total balance of €3.52 (line 39-41).
Monetary amounts are expressed in the smallest currency unit (e. g. Euro Cent).
The card is not locked and has no expiry date.