You can use an exiting Payment Customer as customer or for the shipping address when you create or update a Smart Transaction.

Our example shows the creation of the Smart Transaction.

POST /api/v2/Smart/Transactions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer qb56tjj1bcvo9n2nj4u38k84lo
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
// ...
"customer": {
"shipping_address": {
"id": "PCU_EA2M2F8VP2X0H6AH2N9GW4ND030AA2"
// ...

If everything is fine, the API responds with 200 OK and the object representation:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"object": "smart.transactions",
// ...
"customer": {
"object": "payment.customers",
"contact": {
"forename": "Max",
"surname": "Mustermann",
"name": "Max Mustermann",
"address": {
"street": "Musterstr.",
"street_number": "55",
"additional_address_data": "App. 902",
"postal_code": "09999",
"city": "Musterstadt",
"country": "DE"
"email": ""
// ...
"shipping_address": {
"object": "payment.customers",
"id": "PCU_EA2M2F8VP2X0H6AH2N9GW4ND030AA2",
"contact": {
"forename": "Max",
"surname": "Mustermann",
          "companyname": "Musterfirma GmbH",
         "name": "Max Mustermann",
"address": {
"street": "Musterstr.",
"street_number": "55",
"postal_code": "09999",
"city": "Musterstadt",
"country": "DE"
"email": "",
"phone": "+495555555555"

Now you see the customer details from the Payment Customer inside the Smart Transaction.