Check Balances from Bank Transfers

The merchant can check their balances with the endpoint GET /api/v2/General/Contracts/{id}/TransferBalance :

GET /api/v2/General/Contracts/GCR_UW304XN7AVRR8Z7XT5TLXKPEJIPU2E/TransferBalance HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer qb56tjj1bcvo9n2nj4u38k84lo
Accept: application/json

If everything is fine, it returns 200 OK and something like the below:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"balances": {
"EUR": 12501700,
        "GBP": 3201200

The field balances field holds the balances per currency:

  • Keys: Currency as ISO 4217 three-letter code like "EUR" or "USD"

  • Values: Balance in the smallest currency unit, e. g. Euro Cents

The above example returns balances of € 125,017.00, and £ 32,012.00 for the contract GCR_6NTD8NRNEH2J798BH9PD6CX8ZA5WO6.