Create a Payout Transaction

The endpoint to create a payout transaction is POST /Payment/Secupaypayout/me/PayoutWithoutCustomer:

POST /Payment/Secupaypayout/me/PayoutWithoutCustomer HTTP/1.1
"demo": "1",
"redirect_url": {
"url_push": ""
"customer": "PCU_WRPBSDH3W2XB00575EK6AF393XR8AH",
"amount": 400,
"currency": "EUR",
"purpose": "Auszahlung für Erlebnis-Bauernhof Musterdorf",
"order_id": "12345",
"opt_data": {
"language": "en_US"
"transaction_list": [
"reference_id": "4052",
"name": "Auszahlung von Erlebnis-Bauernhof Musterdorf",
"total": "100",
"reference_id": "4053",
"name": "Auszahlung von Erlebnis-Bauernhof Musterdorf",
"total": "300",
"container_id": "PCT_TX2XESSVVGCZFKK6SFSON342RRI654"

If everything is fine, the API responds with 200 OK and the details of the newly created payout transaction:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"object": "payment.secupaypayout",
"id": "6hbx1e1e9l6997y6mb0b",
"trans_id": 49999999,
"status": "pending",
"amount": 400,
"currency": "EUR",
"purpose": "Payout",
"order_id": "12345",
"transaction_status": 25,
"transaction_list": [
"item_type": "transaction_payout",
"name": "Auszahlung von Erlebnis-Bauernhof Musterdorf",
"total": "100",
"reference_id": "4052",
"item_type": "transaction_payout",
"name": "Auszahlung von Erlebnis-Bauernhof Musterdorf",
"total": "300",
"reference_id": "4053",
"container_id": "PCT_TX2XESSVVGCZFKK6SFSON342RRI654"
"transfer_purpose": "TA 49999999",
"transfer_account": {
"iban": "DE52906824149239887934",
"accountnumber": "1747013",
"bankcode": "30050000",
"account_owner": "secupay AG"