The endpoint to get the available payment methods for your contract is POST /api/v2/General/Contracts/{id}/getAvailablePaymentMethods.

POST /api/v2/General/Contracts/GCR_4PSAZ3CQJU4SAEVDQO42JC3YHO0P5A/getAvailablePaymentMethods HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer qb56tjj1bcvo9n2nj4u38k84lo
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"is_demo": true,
"currency": "EUR"

This requests the available payment methods for Euro payments for demo transactions.

If everything is good, the API responds with 200 OK, and the list of payment methods:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

In this case, demo transactions in Euro were possible with credit card, SEPA direct debit, and prepayment. There are many more.

See Also