Migration from secucard-connect-php-sdk

Install SDK / composer file

secucard-connect SDK (old)

"require": {
"secucard/secucard-connect": "^1.26.0"

secuconnect SDK (new)

"require": {
"secuconnect/secuconnect-php-sdk": "^2.40.0"

See also

Initialize SDK Client

Please note that the default server for the new SDK is our testing environment (in the old SDK it was the live environment by default).

secucard-connect SDK (old)

require_once __DIR__ . "./vendor/autoload.php";
// Change environment to live / testing (default is "live")
$config = \SecucardConnect\ApiClientConfiguration::createFromArray([
'base_url' => 'https://connect-testing.secupay-ag.de', // demo server
// 'base_url' => 'https://connect.secucard.com', // live
'debug' => false // TODO Set to TRUE to display the http client logs
// Create logger
$logger = new Logger(fopen("php://stdout", "a"), false); // TODO Set to TRUE to display the sdk logging stuff
// Create cache storage
$store = new FileStorage(__DIR__ . '/.cache');
// Set credentials
$clientId = '...';
$clientSecret = '...';
$cred = new ClientCredentials($clientId, $clientSecret);
$secucard = new SecucardConnect($config, $logger, $store, $store, $cred);
$token = $secucard->authenticate();
echo 'Auth token: ' . $token;
* Sample output:
* ==============
* Auth token: dprfdtmuttqhm6k1omm7bnl7d0

secuconnect SDK (new)

require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Secuconnect\Client\ApiException;
use Secuconnect\Client\Authentication\Authenticator;
use Secuconnect\Client\Cache\FileCache;
use Secuconnect\Client\Configuration;
try {
// Change environment to live / testing (default is "testing")
Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setHost('https://connect-testing.secupay-ag.de/api/v2'); // demo server
// Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setHost('https://connect.secucard.com/api/v2'); // live
Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAuthHost('https://connect-testing.secupay-ag.de/'); // demo server
// Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAuthHost('https://connect.secucard.com/'); // live
// Create logger
// -> not needed anymore
// Create cache storage
Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setCache(new FileCache(__DIR__ . '/.cache'));
// Set credentials
$token = Authenticator::authenticateByClientCredentials(
echo 'Auth token: ' . $token;
* Sample output:
* ==============
* Auth token: dprfdtmuttqhm6k1omm7bnl7d0
} catch (ApiException $e) {
echo $e->getTraceAsString();
$supportId = '';
if (isset($e->getResponseBody()->supportId)) {
$supportId = ' Support-ID: ' . $e->getResponseBody()->supportId;
throw new Exception('Request was not successful, check the log for details.' . $supportId);

Create a credit card payment

secucard-connect SDK (old)

$contact = new Contact();
$contact->salutation = 'Mr.';
$contact->title = 'Dr.';
$contact->forename = 'John';
$contact->surname = 'Doe';
$contact->companyname = 'Testfirma';
$contact->dob = '1971-02-03';
$contact->birthplace = 'MyBirthplace';
$contact->nationality = 'DE';
// specifying email for customer is important, so the customer can receive Mandate information
$contact->email = 'example@example.com';
$contact->phone = '+49123456789';
$address = new Address();
$address->street = 'Example Street';
$address->street_number = '6a';
$address->city = 'ExampleCity';
$address->country = 'DE';
$address->postal_code = '01234';
$contact->address = $address;
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->contact = $contact;
* @var \SecucardConnect\Product\Payment\SecupayCreditcardsService $service
$service = $secucard->payment->secupaycreditcards;
$creditcard = new SecupayCreditcard();
$creditcard->amount = 100; // Amount in cents (or in the smallest unit of the given currency)
$creditcard->currency = 'EUR'; // The ISO-4217 code of the currency
$creditcard->purpose = 'Your purpose from TestShopName';
$creditcard->order_id = '201600123'; // The shop order id
$creditcard->customer = $customer;
$creditcard->redirect_url = new RedirectUrl();
// The customer will be redirected to "url_success" after you (the shop) has show him the iframe
// and he has filled out the form in this iframe.
// The url of this iframe will be returned in the response of this save request in the variable called "iframe_url".
$creditcard->redirect_url->url_success = 'http://shop.example.com/success.php';
// The customer will be redirected to "url_failure" if we don't accept him for credit card payments.
// You should offer him to pay with other payment methods on this page.
$creditcard->redirect_url->url_failure = 'http://shop.example.com/failure.php';
try {
$creditcard = $service->save($creditcard);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo 'Error message: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
if ($creditcard->id) {
echo 'Created secupay creditcard transaction with id: ' . $creditcard->id . "\n";
echo 'Creditcard data: ' . print_r($creditcard, true) . "\n";
} else {
echo 'Creditcard creation failed' . "\n";

secuconnect SDK (new)

require __DIR__ . '/init.php';
use Secuconnect\Client\Api\SmartTransactionsApi;
use Secuconnect\Client\ApiException;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\Address;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\Contact;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\PaymentContext;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\ProductInstanceID;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\SmartTransactionPaymentCustomerDTO;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\SmartTransactionsApplicationContext;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\SmartTransactionsApplicationContextReturnUrls;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\SmartTransactionsBasketInfo;
use Secuconnect\Client\Model\SmartTransactionsDTO;
try {
$contact = new Contact();
// specifying email for customer is important, so the customer can receive Mandate information
$address = new Address();
$address->setStreet('Example Street');
$customer = new SmartTransactionPaymentCustomerDTO();
$creditcard = new SmartTransactionsDTO();
$creditcard->setContract(new ProductInstanceID(['id' => 'GCR_2H69XY35227V2VKP9WRA3SJ0W95RP0']));
$basket_info = new SmartTransactionsBasketInfo();
$basket_info->setSum(100); // Amount in cents (or in the smallest unit of the given currency)
$basket_info->setCurrency('EUR'); // The ISO-4217 code of the currency
$creditcard->setTransactionRef('Your purpose from TestShopName');
$creditcard->setMerchantRef('201600123'); // The shop order id
h2. $creditcard->setCustomer($customer);
$application_context = new SmartTransactionsApplicationContext();
// The customer will be redirected to "url_success" after you (the shop) has shown him the iframe,
// and he has filled out the form in this iframe.
// The url of this iframe will be returned in the response of this save request in the variable called "iframe_url".
$return_urls = new SmartTransactionsApplicationContextReturnUrls();
// The customer will be redirected to "url_failure" if we don't accept him for credit card payments.
// You should offer him to pay with other payment methods on this page.
$payment_context = new PaymentContext();
// $payment_context->setAccrual(true);
$creditcard = (new SmartTransactionsApi())->addTransaction($creditcard);
if ($creditcard->getId()) {
echo 'Created secupay creditcard transaction with id: ' . $creditcard->getId() . "\n";
echo 'Creditcard data: ' . print_r($creditcard->__toString(), true) . "\n";
echo 'Iframe-Link: ' . $creditcard->getPaymentLinks()['creditcard'] . "\n";
} else {
echo 'Creditcard creation failed' . "\n";
* Sample output:
* ==============
* Created secupay creditcard transaction with id: STX_WC3HTTY372PAYSVPVCN9ZM5R0YM9AK
* Creditcard data: {
* ...
* Iframe-Link: https://pay-dev.secuconnect.com?payment-method=creditcard&stx=STX_WC3HTTY372PAYSVPVCN9ZM5R0YM9AK&contract=GCR_2H69XY35227V2VKP9WRA3SJ0W95RP0&server=testing
} catch (ApiException $e) {
echo $e->getTraceAsString();
$supportId = '';
if (isset($e->getResponseBody()->supportId)) {
$supportId = ' Support-ID: ' . $e->getResponseBody()->supportId;
throw new Exception('Request was not successful, check the log for details.' . $supportId);